Forward-looking investigations into the professional, technological and social questions facing the discipline.
The thesis is an opportunity to enrich the field of design with an original contribution. It may exist as a written document, designed artifact, multimedia presentation or any combination of the above. Graduate thesis projects have covered a wide range of topics and reflect both the interests of the student and the concerns of the program with forward-looking investigations into the professional, technological and social questions facing the discipline. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the significant resources of the University to further their interests while extending the influence of design into the larger community.

Degree candidates produce a substantial thesis document and an exhibition that is displayed in the Henry Art Gallery.
During the spring quarter of their first year, each student is responsible for developing a proposal and organizing a thesis committee. The committee must consist of at least two Design faculty, one of whom is the Chair. Students work closely with their Chair and committee throughout their second year. In their final three quarters of study, degree candidates produce a substantial thesis document and an exhibition that is displayed in the Henry Art Gallery on campus. In addition, students are required to give a public presentation on their thesis prior to graduation. See more curriculum details here. →